Sem IV


From John Santrock’s Lifespan Development


a) Life Span Development b) Patterns of change and development: Normative vs Idiographic c) Characteristics and Principles of Development d) Key Issues in life-span perspective: Nature v/s Nurture, Continuity v/s  Discontinuity, Activity v/s Passivity, Specificity v/s Generality e) Developmental Research: Cross-sectional design, Longitudinal design, Sequential design, , Case Study method,  Ethnography, Cohort Design


Theories of Human Development a) Psychosexual theory (Sigmund Freud), Theory of Psychosocial development (Erik Erikson) b) Cognitive development theory (Jean Piaget), Social-Cognitive theory (Lev Vygotsky), Information Processing Theory
c) Ethological theory: Imprinting (Konrad Lorenz) d) Ecological systems theory (Urie Bronfenbrenner) e) Attachment theory (John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth) Bowlby’s



a) Heredity- Twin studies &; Adoption studies Heredity b) Conception and growth of Zygote, Germ cells, Sex determination c) An Overview of Common genetic abnormalities Genes in relation to lifespan dev d) Predicting hereditary disorders: Genetic counselling, Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS), Ultrasound. e) Phases of prenatal development: Period of Zygote, Period of Embryo, and Period of Fetus Phases of Prenatal Development f) Problems in the prenatal period and their effects on the fetus: Teratogens, Diseases, Drugs, Environmental hazards; Age of Viability


a) Meaning and definition of Perinatal environment Perinatal Period b) Birthing process – Stages of birth Stages Of Birth c) Assessing a new-born: APGAR scale and NBAS assessing of newborns d) Birth complications – Anoxia, Breech birth, premature birth, Low birth weight. Birth Complications e) Types of birth Types of Birth


a) Neonate – Meaning and definition Infancy, childhood, adolescence b) New-born reflexes – types, milestones, functions c) Infant States – Sleep, Cry, Chess and Thomas’ Temperaments in infants d) Physical development from infancy through childhood e) Sensory and Perceptual development f) Social development: Parenting Styles g) Emotional development: Attachment styles h) Development of Motor skills from infancy through childhood i) Development of Self – self concept j) Identity formation – Marcias Identity Statuses k) Kohlberg’s theory Moral Development Theory l) Language Development m) Puberty and Maturation – Adolescent growth spurt, Sexual maturation, Adolescent sexuality, Friendship &; Peer relations


a) Emerging adulthood: Meaning and Characteristics Emerging Adulthood b) Physical Development c) Cognitive Development d) Career Development: Factors related to career choice and growth e) Interpersonal Relationships: Love: Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love; Marriage, Divorce Middle Adulthood f) Midlife Crisis, Empty Nest Syndrome g) Defining Aging, Theories of Aging, Senescence Late Adulthood h) Theories of Aging: genetic pre-programming theories of aging, wear-and-tear theories of aging, disengagement theory of aging, activity theory of aging Theories of Aging i) Grief and bereavement process: Kubler Ross’s theory. Stages of Grief j) Successful aging & Adjustment in old age


Module 1: The Essay

  1. Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf
  2. The Character of Dogs by Robert Louis Stevenson
  3. Advice to Youth- Mark Twain

Module 2 : The Poetry

  1. Partition by WH Auden
  2. Sailing to Byzantium by WB Yeats
  3. Preludes by TS Eliot
  4. Dawn At Puri by Jayanta Mahapatra
  5. America - Allen Ginsberg by Allen Ginsberg
  6. Imagine - John Lennon by John Lennon

Module 3 : The Novel & Drama

  1. The Moon and Six Pence- William Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence
  2. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
  3. Nagamandala - Girish Karnad

Module 4 Visual Texts

  1. Schindler’s List
  2. Pygmalion Play by George Bernard Shaw


Unit 1 Newsrooms and their functions Editorial Structure of Newsroom and Roles Qualities and Functions of a Reporter Stringers Beat Special Reporters Newspaper Roles Anatomy of a Newspaper Sub Editor

Unit 2 Soft News vs Hard News News Values and Elements of News News Writing and Styles News Stories Lead Difference between opinion and news

Unit 3 Soft News vs Hard News Bites vs Interview Types of Hard News Techniques of writing Hard News

Unit 4 Writing soft news , Evergreen Content Types of Soft News Profile Writing Press Release Newspaper Column

Unit 5 Editing Editing a Copy Editorial Structure of Newsroom and Roles Copyediting marks Glossary of Newspaper Terms Glossary of Newspaper Design

Research Methodology

Module 1: Introduction

Introduction to Research Methodologies What is Research Characteristics Objectives Motivation Types of Research analytical, descriptive; applied, fundamental; quant, qual; other - lab vs field, clinical, exploratory vs formalized; one time vs longitudinal; Types of Groups 1. Between 2. Within 3. Repeated Measures 4. Blocking

Ethical Considerations in Research Why IRB Ethical Issues

Types of research Analytical Descriptive Fundamental Applied Quantitative Qualitative

other - lab vs field; clinical/diagnostic, exploratory vs formalized, one time vs longitudinal

Module 2: Research Process

Research Problem and Sources What Why Characteristics Steps in Formulating Research Problem Sources of Research Problems

Literature Review Definition Why

Identifying Variables- Meaning; Types- Independent, dependent, extraneous, predictive

Constructing hypothesis- Meaning & types Hypothesis

Module 3: Research Process II: Sampling Techniques

Sample, Universe, Population Meaning of sample, aims in Criteria of good sample Sampling techniques: Probability sampling- random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, stratified sampling; Non-probability sampling- convenience sampling, snowball sampling, voluntary sampling, purposive sampling.

Module 4: Introduction to Statistics

Measurement - Research Methodology Relevance of Statistics in Research; Scales of Measurement. 

Frequency Distributions: Constructing Frequency Distribution, Relative Frequency Distribution and Cumulative Frequency Distribution. 

Graphic Representation of Data: Basic procedures; The Histogram; The Frequency Polygon; The Bar Diagram; The Pie Chart; The Cumulative Frequency Graph; Factors affecting the Shape of Graphs (Skewness and Kurtosis).

Module 5: Writing a Research Proposal

How to write a research proposal Stating the problem; Inferences from literature review; Identifying the variables; Operationalizing the variables; Stating the Hypotheses; Identifying the sample; Methods of data collection

Cloud Computing

resource pooling load balancer cloud computing platforms What is Cloud Computing Web Technology Remote Administration System Public Key Infrastructure Parallel vs Distributed Computing Parallel Computing Multitenancy in Cloud Computing Identity Access Management and IAM components Hashing Eras of Computing Encryption - Cloud Dynamic Scalability Distributed Computing Digital Signature Components of IAM Cloud Deployment Models Cloud Delivery Models Cloud Computing Unit 1 Cloud Computing Syllabus Legacy Cloud Bursting Architecture Cloud - Roles and Boundaries Cloud - Basic Terms of security Building a Cloud Environment Asymmetric vs Symmetric Key 7 layers of OSI

see also: Sem V Bucket