• Wrote The Waste Land - known as the Bible of 20th Century
  • one of the most important authors of 20th century
  • Nobel laureate
  • Modernism


Year of birth: (born::1888)
Year of death: (died::1965)
Nationality: (nationality::American-British)
Family: Father - Henry Ware Eliot, Mother - Charlotte Champe Stearns, Wife - Vivienne Haigh-Wood, Valerie Fletcher
Period: (timecontext::20th century)


Important Works: (impworks::The Waste Land, Four Quartets, Murder in the Cathedral)
Contributions: Modernist poetry, exploration of post-war disillusionment, profound impact on English literature
Key Ideas: (KeyIdeas::Modernism, Cultural Decay, Spiritual Redemption)
Known For: (KnownFor::The Waste Land, Nobel Prize in Literature 1948,Preludes)

Influenced By: (influencedby::Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, James Joyce)

TS Eliot