Wystan Hugh Auden British-American poet 1907 - 1973 (66 years old)


Year of birth: (born::1907)
Year of death: (died::1973)
Nationality: (nationality::British-American)
Family: Father - George Augustus Auden, Mother - Constance Rosalie Bicknell
Period: (timecontext::20th century)


Important Works: (impworks::The Age of Anxiety, Another Time, The Double Man)
Contributions: Modernist poetry, exploration of social and political themes, influence on post-war literature
Key Ideas: (KeyIdeas::Modernism, Political Poetry, Psychological Exploration)
Known For: (KnownFor::The Age of Anxiety, Modernist Poetry)

Influenced By: (influencedby::TS Eliot, WB Yeats, Sigmund Freud)


was introduced to Old English poetry through the lectures of JRR Tolkien!!

marriage of convenience w Erika Mann, lesbian writer and daughter of Thomas Mann, German writer and 1929 Nobel Prize for Literature laureate. This was during the rise of Hitler, and the marriage was so that Erika Mann could gain a Britain citizenship and flee Germany.