German writer 1929 Nobel Prize for Literature laureate

”Mann is one of the best-known exponents of the so-called Exilliteratur, German literature written in exile by those who opposed the Hitler regime.”

Signed Urgent Call for Unity along with Albert Einstein


Year of birth: (born::1875)
Year of death: (died::1955)
Nationality: (nationality::German)
Family: Father - Thomas Johann Heinrich Mann, Mother - Júlia da Silva Bruhns, Wife - Katia Pringsheim
Period: (timecontext::20th century)


Important Works: (impworks::Buddenbrooks, The Magic Mountain, Death in Venice)
Contributions: Exploration of the psyche of characters, complex narratives, critique of bourgeois society
Key Ideas: (KeyIdeas::Decadence, Bourgeois Society, Psychoanalysis in Literature)
Known For: (KnownFor::Nobel Prize in Literature 1929, Buddenbrooks, The Magic Mountain)

Influenced By: (influencedby::Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche)