occurs usually around 40 - 60

Identity, role, self-doubt regarding :
professional life achievements family

psychological aspects > physical aspects in terms of effect

occurs in both men and women

What they want to be vs where they are goals, aspirations


impulsive need to change sudden change in behaviour, in lifestyle change in personality

the big sad

low self confidence more emotional outbursts

feeling bored overthinking purpose of life Existential

rumination over past; reminiscence (good, bad, ugly, alll of it; from mistakes to memories) feelings of regret; “only if I had done this”

Affects both men and women Men might express anger more, and are more impulsive Women going through a midlife crisis usually are enduring menopause too. This makes it worse

Empty Nest Syndrome

midlife crisis

Empty Nest Syndrome

coined by Dorothy Cansasdjsad when children leave home, parents feel empty grief after children leave both men and women are susceptible; but affects the primary caretaker more


  • loss of purpose - due to the sudden lack of roles and responsibilities
  • frustration over loss of control
  • emotional distress
  • marital stress
  • anxiety about children
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Theories of Aging

midlife crisis

Theories of Aging

A(Theories of Aging)-->B(Programmed Theories)-->D(Programmed Longevity)
A-->C(Error Theories)-->M(Wear and Tear)

Why Would Aging Be Programmed into Our Genes?

Factor of evolution; need to procreate

Genetic Preprogramming Theory of Aging

Telomere length reduces every time a cell divides Telomere length = good marker of biological age

built in time limit for reproduction of cells

our longevity is primarily determined at the moment of conception and is largely reliant on our parents and their genes

Wear and Tear Theory of Aging / Deterioration Theory / Fundamental Limitation Theory

aging is caused by progressive damage to cells and body systems with time and use, mechanical functions decline

Disengagement Theory of Aging

Activity Theory of Aging

Jin K. (2010). Modern Biological Theories of Aging. Aging and disease, 1(2), 72–74.

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