Components of Dynamic Stability
Load Balancer
distribute incoming traffic
load balancer
the process of distributing a set of tasks over a set of resources, with the aim of making their overall processing more efficient
makes sure not overloaded or idle
a load balancer in cloud computing is a device or program that distributes the workloads and traffic across multiple resources, such as servers, networks, or regions, in a cloud environment
improves the performance, availability, and reliability of cloud applications by optimizing parameters like execution time, response time, and system stability
A load balancer can also scale resources up or down as needed and provide high availability and fault tolerance to handle spikes in traffic or server failures².
In simple terms, a load balancer is like a traffic controller that makes sure that no server gets too busy or too idle in the cloud. It helps to balance the load of the devices and make them work faster and smoother
Link to original
Elastic Storage
Cloud Provider Service
- Dynamic Horizontal
- Dynamic Vertical
- Dynamic Relocation
A --> B(Horizontal)
A --> C(Vertical)
A --> D(Relocation)
A(Dynamic Scalability)
B---Z(add resources)
C---Y(increase capacity of a resource)
D---X(move to host w more resources)
ability to handle sudden spikes in traffic or demand [^1]