Self Concept Definition
Attributes, characteristics, what makes us us. physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually overall idea we have about who we are how we perceive, think, and value ourselves
Mirror Test
Characteristics of Self Concept
multi-dimensional - learned, not inherent
What it Includes:
How we see ourselves our roles (father,son,sister,etc) personality traits hobbies, passions
How it Changes with time
more malleable during childhood and early adulthood it can change later but is harder
- At first, infants think of themselves as part of their primary caregivers
- at around 5 months, physical realization that they are separate from others begin. they recognize themselves and their body
- Later, they respond to their names and can identify themselves in pictures/in the mirror (around 18 months)
- 21 months - 36 months - concept of “I”, concept of possession
Link between Self Esteem and Self Concept
Types of Self
Artistic Athletic Emotional Moral
Ideal Self
Who we want to be
(!e) Self Efficacy Self Regulation