
Neonate Infant between 0 and 28 days/4 weeks learns feeding patterns aka newborn

Physical Development

  • Gross Motor
  • Fine Motor

Patterns of Growth

  • Cephalocaudal Pattern head to toe
  • Proximodistal growth starts in the center and moves to extremities

After birth - lose 5-7% of body weight before they adjust to feeding

during the first month - growth is rapid; 5-6 ounces per week

during first year - 1 inch every month

growth slows after 1st year


at birth - 25% of adult brain weight by 2nd year - 75% of adult brain weight


~ 18 hours a day 10-21 hours night waking half the sleep = REM

SIDS Aka Crib Death

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

  • ways to prevent -
    • burp the baby
    • make sure baby is sleeping on its back
    • baby monitors

Shared Sleeping

Good but parents might roadroll the baby


1 - 6 months - Breast milk is important 6 months - mashed food


Marasmus -

Kwashiorkor -


Crying is the most important mechanism newborns have to communicate their needs

Three Types of Cries :

  1. Basic Crying rhythmic pattern usually consists of a cry, a briefer silence, shorter whistle (higher pitch than main cry), then a brief rest before the next cry. experts believe it might be due to hunger

  2. Anger Cry like basic crying but excess air forced through vocal cords

  3. Pain Cry sudden long, initial loud cry followed by breath holding

Most adults can determine whether an infant’s cries signify anger or pain (Zeskind, Klein, & Marshall, 1992). Parents can distinguish the cries of their own baby better than those of another baby

Temperament in Infancy

Chess and Thomas’ Temperaments in infants Kagan’s Behavioural Inhibition Rothbart and Bates’ Temperament

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