• Playwright
  • Born in Dublin
  • Grew up in poverty
  • Dad was alcoholic

George Bernard Shaw


Year of birth: (born::1856)
Year of death: (died::1950)
Nationality: (nationality::Irish)
Family: Father - George Carr Shaw, Mother - Lucinda Elizabeth Gurly, Wife - Charlotte Payne-Townshend
Period: (timecontext::19th century, early 20th century)


Important Works: (impworks::Pygmalion, Man and Superman, Saint Joan)
Contributions: Critique of social issues through drama, development of modern English theatre
Key Ideas: (KeyIdeas::Social Criticism, Satire, Fabian Socialism)
Known For: (KnownFor::Pygmalion, Nobel Prize in Literature 1925)

Influenced By: (influencedby::Henrik Ibsen, Richard Wagner, Karl Marx)