Information Security

Confidentiality - only accessible to authorized parties restricting access (both transit and storage)

Integrity - makes sure data isn’t altered or manipulated how data is stored, processed, and retrieved

Authenticity - authorized source or not; verification of authority, non-repudiation - inability to deny or challenge acce

Availability - Accessible and usable;

Vulnerability - flaws, weaknesses, bugs, firmware issues, weak passwords, any asset/resource anything that can be exploited eg. weak password

Threat - potential security violation; anything that could exploit a vulnerability can cause a breach, if carried out, it is an attack eg. armed robber

Risk - possibility of loss or harm threat level and number of vulnerabilities potential for loss or damage risk = probability x impact financial or data loss, a damaged reputation or legal consequences

mnemonic: CIA R on an ATV

Security Mechanisms

Countermeasures are typically described in terms of security mechanisms, which are components comprising a defensive framework that protects IT resources, information, and services

Security Policies

establishes a set of security rules and regulations define how the rules are enforced

Security Controls

steps and measures taken to prevent or respond to security threats / reduce avoid or risk

Vulnerability x Threat = Risk

see also : Hashing , salting, cryptography, 2fa, security by obscurity, pgp key, brute force, dictionary attack, privacy, DRM, social engineering, DDoS, SSL, Encryption - Cloud

example (?? check)

vulnerability - no ssl certificate; no https threat - pharming, redirects, phishing risk - value of contents lost


Threat Agent

threat agent is an entity that poses a threat because it is capable of carrying out an attack

can be internal or external

Anonymous Attacker

non-trusted cloud service consumer without
permissions in the cloud

Malicious Service Agent

Trusted Attacker

Malicious Insider

  • An anonymous attacker is a non-trusted threat agent that usually attempts attacks from outside of a cloud’s boundary.
  • A malicious service agent intercepts network communication in an attempt to maliciously use or augment the data.
  • A trusted attacker exists as an authorized cloud service consumer with legitimate credentials that it uses to exploit access to cloud-based IT resources.
  • A malicious insider is a human that attempts to abuse access privileges to cloud premises

Cloud Security Threats

traffic eavesdropping - reads messages not authorized to Malicious Intermediary - affects integrity DDoS Insufficient Authorization Weak Authentication Virtualization Attack Overlapping Trust Boundaries