To finish something, you must first GET STARTED.

Step 1 of everything is to start. Any progress made hinges on you taking the first step.

Also, due to act inertia, getting started is hard. It’s better to start small or start late than never.

act inertia

There might be a specific term for this, but I use the concept of inertia to explain how I feel -

It is hard for me to Get Started with anything. It’s also hard for me to switch tasks.

Inertia is the property of a matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion.

An example - Sometimes I feel so damn lazy to brush my teeth in the night after I had something sugary. I’ve realized however, that I can sometimes convince myself to at least use the mouthwash. When I am doing this actively, I realize “Well, since I’m already here, let me brush my teeth too.” which sometimes goes a step further to “I’ll wash my face while I’m at it”. I ended up doing that, my skincare routine, and even applied an ointment on my dog which can be a pain since he hates it. All because I took the first step.

todo See also -

  1. Active vs Passive
  2. Get Started
  3. Incremental
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