a(Theories of Management)-->b(Classical Theories)
a-->c(Quantitative Theories)
a-->d(Modern Theories)
b-->b1(Scientific Management)
c-->c1(Management Science)
c-->c2(Operations Management)
c-->c3(Management Infortmation System)
Classical Theories
Scientific Management
increasingly popular in the early 19th century coordinating the enterprise for everyone’s benefit including increased wages for laborers
system devised by industrial engineers for the purpose of serving the common interests of employers, workmen and society at large through the elimination of avoidable wastes, the general improvement of the processes and methods of production, and the just and scientific distribution of the product.
bottom up view
Frederick Winslow Taylor; the theory is also called Taylorism after him
Emphasizes on
- Need for developing a scientific way of performing each job
- Training and preparing workers to perform that particular job
- Establishing harmonious relations between management and workers so that job is performed in a desired way
Steps Involved:
- Develop a science for each element of the job to replace old rule of methods
- Scientifically select employees and train them to do the job as described
- Supervise employees to make sure they follow the prescribed methods
- Continue to plan the work but use workers to actually get the work done
Two Managerial Processes
emerged from Taylor’s approach to management
Piece Rate Incentive System highest output gets rewarded
Time and Motion Study jobs are broken down into various small tasks, timing each part and rearranging the parts into the most efficient method of working time studies → observe and record time taken to complete a task; determination of standard time (or acceptable time taken to complete a task to keep up with normal pace) motion studies → recording and observing the body language
Limitations of Scientific Management
- Technical point of view, engineering point of view NOT managerial point of view
- Does not count the social aspects and needs; focuses on material acquisition only
- Ignored human desire for job satisfaction. Workers are more likely to go on protests and strikes rendering scientific management ineffective
Administrative Theory
focuses on principles that could be used by managers to coordinate the internal activities of organizations top-down view
Henri Fayol - Father of Management he believed scientific forecasting and proper methods of management would lead to satisfactory results believed by focusing on managerial practices he could minimize misunderstandings and increase efficiency in organizations was the CEO of a mining company
**General and Industrial Management → work by Henri Fayol
Accd to him, operations can be divided into six broad areas - Technical - Producing and manufacturing Commercial - Buying, selling, and exchange Financial - Search for and optimal use of capital Security - Protecting employees and property Accounting - maintaining records of cost, profits, liabilities, balance sheets Managerial - Planning, organizing, commending, coordinating and controlling.
believed in control and strict, treelike, command chain
14 Principles
Division of work authority and responsibility discipline unity of command unity of direction subordination of individual interest to the general interest → goal of company >>> individual interest initiative - employees should be encouraged to give their inputs Remuneration - fair pay based on factors like cost of living and productivity of employment equity - everyone should be treated the same esprit de corps - morale
Bureaucratic Management
by Max Weber Weber observed a lot of nepotism which he found gross and unjust
”a bureaucracy is a highly structured, formalized and impersonal organization. In other words, it is a formal organization structure with a set of rules and regulations” — Max Weber
fixed hierarchical structure very organized impersonal clearly defined set of roles, well defined chain of command rules based management specialization
Behavioural Approach to Management
influenced by Hawthorne studies focused on the individual aspect
Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Quantitative Theories
emerged during WW2
Management Science
emphasizes use of mathematical models and statistical models for decision making aka operations research
criticism This approach has been criticized for its overemphasis on mathematical tools. Many managerial activities cannot be quantified because they involve human beings who are governed by many irrational elements as well
Operations Management
effective management of the production process and the timely delivery of an organization’s products and services. applied form of management science
Management Information System
focuses on designing and implementing computer-based information systems for business organizations.
modern theories of management
Modern Theories
Systems Theory
Systems approach looks at
4 major components -
- Input
- Transformational Process
- Output
- Feedback
Says there are two types of systems
flowchart a-->b(open systems) a-->c(closed systems) a(systems)
open systems - those that interact with its environment closed systems - those that do NOT interact w its environment
Contingency Theory
also called situational theory
it says there is no one best way to manage all situations
it was developed by managers, consultants, and researchers who tried to apply the concepts of the major schools for management through real life situations the task of managers is to identify which technique will in a particular situation or under particular circumstances and at a particular time, best contribute to the attainment of management goals”
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