ShankaracharyaBorn in Keladi; parents Shivaguru + Aryambha | Teacher - Govinda Bhagwathpada | Toured India thrice | Attempted to unify 1)Shiva 2)Vishnu 3)Ganesha 4)Surya 5)Shakti 6)Kumara | Commentaries on Upanishads, Bhagvad Gita, Brahma Sutra | Bhaja Govindam, Ananda Lahari, Soundarya Lahari, Shivananda Lahari | Govardana Peeta (Puri); Kalikamatha (Dwarka), Jyothirmatha(Badrinath), Sharadha peeta (Sringeri) | Advaitha philosophy | Sarvajna and Jagadguru | Shanmatha Sthapanacharya | Died at age 32socio-relDad was Shivaguru | Teacher was Govinda. | Mom was Arya | therefore, attempted to unify all
Four Mutts By ShankaracharyaGovardana Peeta (Puri); Kalikamatha (Dwarka), Jyothirmatha(Badrinath), Sharadha peeta (Sringeri)socio-relGo eat Puri, Kitkat for Dinner, Jump on Bed, Susu in Shorts
Titles of ShankaracharyaSarvajna and Jagadguru | Shanmatha Sthapanacharyasocio-rel
Attempted to unify 1)Shiva 2)Vishnu 3)Ganesha 4)Surya 5)Shakti 6)Kumarasocio-rel
Advaita PhilMonoism or non-duality; Bramha is ultimate truth; God is Nirguna, Nirakar, Swaprakasha; Maya (world is illusion); Spiritual world is imp, Indvl soul, supreme soul same. I am Brahma (Aham Bramhasmi) Ignorant peeps will search outside when it is inside; Jnana leads to salvationsocio-rel
RamanujacharyaSri Perambadur near Chennai| Parents - Keshava Somayaji and Kantimathi | married Tangamma @ 16| Yadhava Prakash | Yamunacharya Srirangam| Kullothunga Chola was a Shaivite. Ramanuja was Vaishnavite. Therefore went to K’taka under Vishnuvardhana (Hoysala King). After Chola died, went back |Vaishnava Matta @ Melukotte | 120 yearssocio-relPARENTS - KK, Keshkanti, sistermom; VEDANTA | Vaishnavite
Vishistadvaita PhilBy Ramanujacharya. Sri Vaishnavas - followers; give imp to Sri or Lakshmi - Mediator b/w God and Man | Condemned Mayavada of Shankara| God exists and the world is true | Paramathma - Real, independent, permanent | Soul (Chit), World (Achit); both are dependent on each other. Bhakti Marga to attain salvation. Two elements of Bhakti Marga → Prapatthi (absolute surrender to God), Acharya Abhimana (subjugation to Guru) | Let entry to temple everyone irrespective of birth. | Called untouchables - Tirukulattar / Sriharikulasocio-rel
Vaishnava MattaMelukottesocio-rel
Works of RamanujacharyaVedanta Sara, Vedanta Sutra, Vedanta Sangraha, Geetha Bhashya, Sree Bhashyasocio-rel
MadhwacharyaBorn in Pajaka near Udupi | Madhyageyha Narayana Batta and Vedavati | Vasudeva - earlier name| renowned scholar in vedas, puranas, history | Achutapreksha (Advaita) | Diff of opinion, his own Dwaita | Toured N India, Kashi, Kedar, Badri, Haridwar, Gaya, etc brought idols of Krishna and Balarama. Installed Krishna @ Udupi | Balarama @ Malpe | Estd Ashta Mathas | Works - Geetha Bashya, Anu Bashya, Brahma Sutra Bashyasocio-rel
Titles of MadhwacharyaPoorna Prajna, Ananda Theerthasocio-rel
Dwaita PhilosophyMadhwacharya, DUALISM; 3 entities - Jada (matter), Jeevathma (soul), Pamatma (God). Indvl soul and God are differentsocio-rel
BasaveshwaraBagewadi | Madrasa and Madalambike → parents | Veda, logic, grammar | Removed his sacred thread @ 8 saying he had lingadeeksha at birth | studied @ Kudalasangama under Jata Veda Muni. Kalchuri King Bijala appointed as karnika (minister) | Married Neelambike, Gangambike | Became PM after death of Siddarasa | Remove caste system, animal sacrifice, blind beliefs, idol worship, plurality of God. | Toured, awareness | Encouraged interdining and gave lingadeeksha to untouchable Nagadeva.| Brahmin daughter and Harijan son married | Daive dharmada moolavaih | Orthodox peeps complained to Bijala, he gave death sentence to Brahmin, Harijan | Blinded the newly wed couple | Returned Kudalasangama, led to a revolt in which Bijala was killed. Vachanas. 5000 and Kudala Sangama Devasocio-rel
ShaktivishistadwaitaBasaveshwara; Prominence to worship of Linga; Ishtalinga → Anyone can wear irrespective of caste and gender | Merger of Shiva with Shaktisocio-rel
VachanasVirtues and morals. Unique form of Kan Lit. Social reforms. Basaveshwara or Kudalasangama Deva wrote ~5000 vachanassocio-rel
Kudalasangama Devasocio-rel
RamanandVaishnavism, born Prayag. Believed Ramanujacharya’s phil (Vishistadvaitha), Hindi instead of Sanskrit, against caste system and preached brotherhood.socio-rel
KabirWas brought up by a Muslim weaver couple (Niru and Neema) @ Varanasi. Disciple of Ramananda. Preached equality and religion of love. Unity amongst all caste and creeds. Eq bw Hindu and Muslims, Allah and Rama are the same God. God is neither in temple or mosque, but only in the hearts of the devotees. Condemned idol worship. God cannot be obtained by piligrimage, loud worship, or holy baths. Only through Bhakti. Kabirpanthis → His disciples (both Hindu and Muslims); Dohasocio-rel
Guru Nanaksocio-rel