scientific study of behaviour and mental processes as they relate to how people interact with, or relate to, others.
”**to understand and explain how the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied the presence of other human beings.*” - Gordon Allport
How our behaviours, perceptions, thinking, etc change in the presence of other people. studies both overt and covert behaviours. Influence of other people on us and vice versa
Social Psychology vs Sociology
focuses on the individual, not society at large social psychology is study of an individual in a social context
Studies: Social Structure Social Environment Social Interaction
What Does it Study?
prejudice group dynamics see also change in behaviour
conformity peer pressure
emerged after Existential and Humanistic Schools of Psychology
Concerned with
cognitive processes how they are shaped why people do what they do how they react
the environment
Historical Background of Social Psychology
late 19th century / early 20th century
1895 - First experiment → Norman Triplett - Fishing Rod Experiment - led to social facilitation theory
World War II and Nazi Germany compelled thinkers to look at how humans are influenced
Kurt Lewin → Father of Social Psych