Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder extra copy of chromosome 21 affects a person’s physical and mental development


  • distinct facial features
  • developmental delays
  • intellectual disability
  • Common features include a small skull, upward slanting eyes, a flat nasal bridge, and a single crease on the palm

Prognosis: While there is no cure for Down Syndrome, many individuals lead fulfilling lives with proper support. Life expectancy has increased, with many living into their 60s, depending on health complications

Causes: The primary cause is abnormal cell division involving chromosome 21, which can occur in different forms such as trisomy 21, translocation, or mosaicism

Risk Factors: Key risk factors include advanced maternal age at the time of pregnancy and having a family history of Down Syndrome. Parents who are carriers of the genetic translocation for Down Syndrome or who have one child with Down Syndrome are at increased risk