American Psychologist one of the founders of humanistic psychology

known for Humanistic Psychology, for person-centric therapy, and concepts like Unconditional Positive Regard


Year of birth: (born::1902)
Year of death: (died::1987)
Nationality: (nationality::American)
Family: Father - Walter Rogers, Mother - Julia Cushing, Wife - Helen Elliott
Period: (timecontext::20th century)


Important Works: (impworks::On Becoming a Person, Client-Centered Therapy, A Way of Being)
Contributions: Developed client-centered therapy, emphasized the importance of the therapeutic relationship
Key Ideas: (KeyIdeas::Client-Centered Therapy, Unconditional Positive Regard, Self-Actualization)
Known For: (KnownFor::Client-Centered Therapy, Humanistic Psychology)

Influenced By: (influencedby::Otto Rank, John Dewey, Kurt Goldstein)