theory in political science about how media can drive policies

CNN is a news channel that broadcasts news 24x7 the stories broadcast have an effect on policymakers and influence policies influences and shapes public opinion

Because their coverage of an event is important. Their deliberate choice to extensively cover an event, and ignore other content (even if it were more pressing and more important) limits the scope of people.

  • The CNN effect can influence the public perception and the policy agenda of domestic and foreign issues by focusing attention on certain events or topics for prolonged periods of time. This can affect the market values of companies and sectors that are related to the subject matter, as well as the political decisions and actions of governments and organizations.
  • The CNN effect can also create a feedback loop between the media, the public, and the policymakers, where each actor responds to the others’ reactions and expectations. This can amplify or distort the reality of the situation and create pressure or opportunities for intervention or action.
  • The CNN effect can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on how the media outlets present the information, how the public interprets and uses the information, and how the policymakers balance the information with other factors. The CNN effect can increase awareness, accountability, and transparency, but it can also cause overreaction, misinformation, and manipulation. Pros awareness accountability transparency

Cons can cause overreaction misinformation manipulation


  1. Objectivity Gatekeeping of news agenda setting
  2. Oversimplifies relationship between


  • Spanish-American War was the result of the hype by WR Hearst’s papers
  • Bush Sr was moved by CNN’s images of starving Somalis. So much that he sent US troops to “intervene”

availability heuristics Bias agenda setting panem et circenses