means “the science of life” Ancient Indian system of medicine

Key principles of Ayurveda include: Doshas: Ayurveda recognizes three fundamental energies or doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which are present in varying degrees in everyone. Imbalances in these doshas are believed to contribute to illness, and Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore the balance.

Vata- space and air governs movement 💨 Pitta- fire and water regulate metabolism 🔥💧 kapha- earth and water manage assimilation in the body 🏔💧

Individualized Approach: Ayurveda recognizes that each person is unique, and health recommendations are tailored to an individual’s constitution (prakriti), considering their dosha balance, lifestyle, and specific health needs.

Herbal Remedies: Ayurveda employs a wide range of herbal preparations, including powders, pastes, oils, and decoctions, to promote health and treat various ailments. These herbal remedies are derived from plants, minerals, and animal products.

Lifestyle Practices: Ayurveda places great emphasis on lifestyle practices that promote health and well-being. These include dietary guidelines, daily routines (dinacharya), meditation, yoga, and specific exercises (such as pranayama) to maintain balance and promote vitality.

Panchakarma: Panchakarma is a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy in Ayurveda. It involves various purification procedures such as oil massages, herbal steam treatments, enemas, and nasal administrations to eliminate toxins, restore balance, and enhance overall health.